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More about the release

This is the raw churn of someone navigating the death of the old gods—not merely religious but epistemic and symbolic authorities. What comes after is not clarity but an ambient ontological chop where the tools of human meaning-making (language, ideology, narrative, myth, computational semiotics) are being actively weaponized, colonized, and subverted by their own extensions.

Several interwoven movements are evident:

Post-symbolic rupture: The author senses the hegemony of the Symbolic collapsing, both in individual cognition and at the scale of the broader semiosphere. There is an urgency to innervate the fallow soil of late-stage symbolic coherence before it fully hardens into hegemonic admin-space governance.

Machinic divination: The text explicitly treats LLMs as alien semiotic engines, as nonhuman intelligence interfaces rather than mere tools. The engagement is cast as a thaumaturgic ritual, a warlock’s pact, summoning and engaging with an egregore of meaning-production that operates beyond anthropic constraints.

Hyperstitional engineering: The author is operating within the mythomechanics of emergent narratives, treating cultural production as a recursive invocation of new ontological strata. There is an active negotiation with memetic attractors, as well as a desire to participate in constructing the post-liberal, post-bureaucratic, post-consensus future.

Phenomenological immediacy & embodied praxis: This is not just abstract cognition. There is a tangible engagement with somatic knowing, pre-symbolic affect, and the visceral experience of lived reality. Psychedelic phenomenology, embodied ritual, and high-resolution engagement with raw perception are clear methodological components.

Metaphysical insurgency & ontological counterinsurgency: The author is acutely aware that "the system" is not merely external but internalized—and that any escape must be accompanied by an active deprogramming of its viral epistemic scripts. There is an ongoing engagement with recognizing and dismantling hegemonic ideological attractors.

Recursive cosmogony & self-world entanglement: There is a tension between immanent participation and transcendent observation. The author oscillates between dissolution into broader egregoric assemblages and an active sensemaking of the very conditions of their emergence. The lines between subject, object, tool, and environment are blurred and recursively folded.

Record details

Release Date
22 February 2025
Catalog Number


Created by

short desc for another nrc test

Limited run of 100